Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekend Love

The weekends at the hospital are always nice. It's quiet. There isn't all the hustle and bustle of the weekday, and there isn't as many people coming in and out if your room. BUT my favorite thing about the weekend is all the extra snuggle time we get to have with Knox. 

We also had visitors! Knox got to meet his Auntie Salena and Uncle Louie! Though they were here the day we delivered they didn't get to see Knox so though a weeks late, Salena got to read him his story, "On the Night You Were Born." 

Today we are just taking the opportunity to hang out before tomorrow's surgery. Please send lots of thoughts, prayers, and good vibes our way over the next 24 hours. 

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed by your strength! We are praying so hard for your family!!!! With love, Tara Gerdes. Call me if you need to talk!
