With the recent dispersal DP Sales Management had and the wedding in just a week, I have let my blogging skills lack. I apologize to my following and interested readers in letting you down.
Here is what is really cool about getting married... you get presents! Luckily, Drew and I have friends from across the U.S., therefore presents arrive at our house fairly regularly. With our floor covered it was time to find somewhere to put it all, but we didn't really have a place. We have been on the hunt for a corner cabinet since the first of the year but haven't had any luck.
My dear friend Lauren found some pieces at the Peddler's Mall in Nicholasville that she thought might work, so Drew and I headed over to see if there was anything we liked. Wow! The Peddler's Mall was packed full of interesting things. Here is our first awesome purchase.
This artwork is by Dwight Yoakam's wife. It was a set of three pieces but we just didn't have the room. I thought this piece was a steal at just $100. It now resides over our bed.
And low and behold we found something to put our new presents in. Not the corner cabinet we had originally set our for, but these pieces work a lot better in our space. It is of course already full of wonderful wedding presents.
To continue with our antiques/other people's goodies, Drew, my best friend Salena, and I set off to take in the 400 mile yard sale along US 27. This stretches from the state of Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky. It is on the list of 1000 things to do before you die, if you are interested.
We got up early on Friday morning to insure that we didn't miss any good deals. Salena was looking for children's books since she is going to be sharpening the minds of our children, Drew was looking for antiques and deals, I was the passenger.
A few of our purchases....
$5 steal...
Salena's purchase....
I came home with 7 peacock feathers that I got for free at a yard sale. There were in a vase and the lady told me that her mother (who had passed on) would want me to have them. Score! I did the best of anyone that day.
I know that some of my fellow bloggers and readers are into antiques! Right?