Thursday, February 7, 2013

Valentine's Day Blog Party!

Over the last few months I have tried really hard to be a better blogger. One of those ways I am trying is to broaden my blog reading. Back in January I stumbled upon a bloggers Valentine's Day Party hosted at From my Grey Desk Blog and a few other bloggers. By joining the party, they paired you with another blogger. You then checked out their blog, read a little about them, and then sent them a nice Valentine's Day surprise.

I was paired with The Mellow Fellow goes for a ride whose name is Amelia and from Oregon. I checked out her blog to see what things I could dig up about her and to inspire my gift.

I admire people who are creative enough to have an Etsy shop. And she does (check it out here)! And even better... today when my package arrived it had items from her shop, which of course, we Valentine's Day themed! She even included something for my Gabby Mae! Gabby will look awesome in her Valentine's Day scarf all the way from Oregon! She also included a homemade treat (chocolate not to be shared with dogs). You can find out about my chocolate treats on her blog.

Another thing you can learn from Amelia's blog is that she is a pug lover! We are both dog lovers! She actually commented about my sweet dogs when were exchanging information. So it was no surprise when I received an animal card!

Thanks for the awesome Valentine's Day goodies Amelia! Here is her post about what I sent her!