Well.... it certainly has been awhile. As I look back the last time I blogged was in July. Ouch.
Now its December. And Knox is 9 months old. When did that happen? He is such a little man and we love him so. He wants to touch everything and then put it in his mouth! Sometimes its hard to remember how our adventure with Knox began, but its always there. Looming in the back of your mind. When its time to head back to Columbus for phase two of Knox's congenital heart defect journey.
Merry Christmas, its time.
We knew it was coming. Every three weeks we would go to our cardiology appointment just kind of waiting for the word. We are still sitting pretty good because his numbers are still good, thus its not an emergency. Its just necessary.
So, next Wednesday we will load our family up for Columbus. This is the first time Knox will actually ride to Columbus out of womb. We will have all of our pre-op tests on Thursday, and then on Friday, December 19th Knox will have his second open heart surgery. They say if all goes well recovery usually is 5 to 7 days; which means we are likely spending our second holiday at Nationwide Children's Hospital. I told Knox, like the Easter bunny, I'm sure Santa can find him.
This time will be hard and it will be different for Drew and I. Not that it wasn't hard the first time because it definitely was, but its different. When Knox was born he was a little baby who we didn't know. We hadn't cuddled. When hadn't spent late nights and early mornings together. We hadn't travelled to 14 states together, met Santa, and attended numerous cattle sales. This time it is our little man; who is wiggly and active. Please say a prayer for our strength through all of this.
But here is where I ask for a favor. Many of you wonderful people bought Knox shirts this summer. I ask that on Friday, December 19th you wear your Knox shirt for strength and support of our little guy. Take a photo and tag it to Drew or I on Facebook so that we can make an album for Knox to see in the future of all the wonderful support he received. Of course, we also hope that you will keep Knox and his doctors, nurses, and team in your prayers.
If you don't have a shirt and would like one, there are still some available. Contact me to get one.
I will go back to updating this blog during our stay at Nationwide as I can.
We'll be thinking of you and Knox. He is such a strong (and adorable) little guy.