I believe in the future of Agriculture...
Other saying "I Do" this past June, those words might be some of the most exciting and impactful words that I have ever recited. I was so excited to join the FFA my freshman year of high school and immediately immersed myself into the organization. I wanted to do everything!
My advisor, Mr. Ashcraft called me an overachiever because I wanted to be involved in anything and everything. It wasn't because I wanted to win as much as I could, I loved the organization and wanted to take in as much as possible. I had success in the organization over my years involved, but never was there a prouder moment than when I was elected to serve the great state of Kentucky as the Kentucky FFA State Secretary.
That year was one of the greatest times of my life. I was lucky enough to serve with 10 other amazing individuals who I am very blessed to call teammates and friends. It was a great year traveling to conferences, facilitating workshops, meeting FFA members; many who have went on became great friends.

We also made time to have fun!

With this week being National FFA Week, I have reflected on my time in the FFA. The memories of my friends and experiences, speaking to groups of students, driving many miles across the state, and advocating for Agriculture and FFA. I consider myself so incredibly blessed to have been involved and be an Lifetime Alumni of the National FFA. It truly was some of these best times of my life, and I hope others have the opportunity to find out about the organization.
I saved all of my FFA t-shirts from my State Officer Year to make a t-shirt blanket. After many years of them laying around, I finally found a place to make it for me, and in celebration of FFA week... it arrived! What a year way to remember the memories of my state officer year.
So, put on your blue and gold this week and celebrate the millions of FFA members across the United States who are striving for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success!
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