CNS Dream On...(real)

But perhaps, one of the coolest moments was when he, Chris Schick, and Jon Janssen were awarded bronzed statues of CNS Dream On at the National Western Stock Show by ABS. CNS Dream On is the most influential and most used bull in the Simmental industry in the last few years, and has sold a lot of semen. Semen distributor ABS "bronzes" bulls that have sold record amounts of semen. There are five or less bulls that have been bronzed, mainly Angus, and Dream On was the first Simmental.
Dream On spent much of his life in stud, and sadly died last year. Due to the fact that he had such an impact on the breed, the owners decided to keep parts of him. Chris got his hide, Jon got his head (which is massive), and my dad got....(drum roll)... his penis and scrotum. Of course, due to his massive amount of semen sales, these were the most important parts.
Now you might wonder what you would do with these parts. You can utilize the penis of an animal to make a Pizzle Stick. There are dried and made into a cane. It is super cool and very interesting. And it arrived!!!
It has a small plate near the handle that has the bull's name, date of birth to date of death, and my dad's business on it.
He hasn't received the scrotum yet, but I'm thinking that a candy or nut bowl would be useful for it. :)
This is sooo cool! I had no idea about the bronze. I really want to stop in and see his head one day on my Iowa drives. You should be very proud of your dad, he has been very influential in this breed. I am also amazed when my dad starts reciting pedigrees. Wish he would have past that onto his daughter!
Congratulations Holli to your family and especially your dad. A good friend of ours Dr. Darrell DeGroft from Colorado Genetics has a pizzle stick of Parisien the first Simmental bull to come to North America. At the World Simmental in Calgary, Albert in 2006 Darrell walked around the barn with it.